Fall has Begun

Autumn is upon us, my friends. And with that comes the new TV season. Now, I’m not usually excited about this, for years now there haven’t been that many new shows that got my attention. My favorite genres have tended to get pushed aside in favor of more reality shows. And they just weren’t my thing.

Enter this fall and things have changed. Last night the new show Gotham premiered, about the very same Gotham City Batman will roam in some years later. And after that, we begin the second season of Sleepy Hollow, a modern-day retelling of the classic story.

Gotham was awesome, I thought, right out of the gate. The mood and characters were really established, and it has the makings of being a great show throughout. Right off the bat, we see how Gotham is a corrupt city. A crook takes a cop’s gun, and when said criminal is finally relieved of the weapon, the Gotham PD proceeds to beat the guy. We meet some of the future villains, Osward Cobblepot(Penguin) is working for a criminal, Ed Nygma(Riddler) is some kind of tech consultant for the police. And Salina Kyle(Catwoman) just follows a young Bruce Wayne around. One guy they didn’t mention was the Joker, but there was this one scene. There’s this comedian doing an audition for Fish Mooney, a major criminal; Mooney owns a nightclub. Well, right in the middle of this guy’s act Mooney starts yelling and beating someone, right in front of him. The comedian looks terrified. Anyway, the scene ends and you never see the guy again, but I’m keeping an eye on that. A comedian trying to get a job in a crook’s bar, witnessing brutality, yea I’m keeping an eye on that.

Sleepy Hollow was good too. They pick up right where they left off last season, but I’ll leave that out in case you haven’t seen the show yet. They throw you a curve at the beginning, but stay with them and it gets back on track. Later on, we get Shirtless Horseman. I just said wow, okay. Headless Horseman changing clothes. Alrighty then.

I personally am glad to see more adventure shows coming back, and superhero shows at that. Gotham, plus next week starts Arrow Season 3, the new The Flash series, and tonight begins Agents of Shield season 2. Guess I’m going to get less writing done, but it was time for a break anyway. 🙂

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See You in the Future,

J S Eaton


from Falls a Dark Shadow

Hey all. How about a little something from Falls a Dark Shadow: Arcania Rising? Enjoy, and gave a great weekend.

Get it today at Smashwords!
Get it today on Kiindle!


Caerish leaned in to Lenar as the group neared the outpost. Tynaul heard the lord whispering to the nervous young man.

“Just keep calm, my friend. Everything will be fine.”

Tynaul could just see the young man’s face turning white as they approached the guards at the entrance to the outpost. Tynaul felt a sharp prick in his back, reminding him that Kint was just a push away from ending his life should he deviate from the plan. Tynaul began to summon the power he’d called upon the night before in his meditation.

The guards viewed the newcomers with a mix of acknowledgment and suspicion. Obviously, they wouldn’t know any of them, but these men were wearing Arcanian uniforms, and in a camp of a thousand men, it was only natural to forget some faces. The guards lowered spears as the group approached.

“Who goes there?”

“Name’s Cavendish, you big ox.” Caerish shouted. “We were out on patrol and caught us a rebel spy. Brought him right back here straight away, we did. Now let us in, we’re tired and we want to get rid of this baggage and put our feet up.”

Suddenly a larger man in a more elaborate set of armor appeared from behind the gate. Tynaul knew Sargeant Graitis on sight, and his entire plan hinged on Graitis recognizing him as well. Tynaul called on his power as Graitis approached the group. Tynaul leaned back and touched the tip of Kint’s sword, quietly uttering the arcane words of a paralyzing spell.

Graitis stood in front of Caerish, a suspicious scowl on his face.

“So where did you capture this fool, anyway? Was he by himself?”

Caerish was about to respond to Graitis in the answers he’d prepared, when the sergeant’s attention was suddenly torn away.  Caerish heard footsteps behind him. A familiar young voice called out in a firm authority, to which Caerish merely closed his eyes in acquiescence.

Poor Lenar was practically shaking in fear.

Tynaul pushed past the startled lord and the terrified young man, rubbing his wrists where the ropes were now falling off his arms. Tynaul stood in front of Graitis just long enough for the sergeant to begin to comprehend just who he was and what was going on.

“Sargeant Graitis, I know you remember me, but let’s just make this official. I am Commander Tynaul Lysis. By His Imperial Majesty’s order I hereby take command of this outpost.” Tynaul took a step forward, looking the tall, brusque sergeant straight in the eye, and saw exactly the moment when Graitis understood the truth. Graitis took a step back, bowed slightly, and then saluted his superior officer in the cross-shoulder Arcanian way.

“These men behind me are the rebel leaders.” Tynaul continued. “Take them into custody immediately. You.” Tynaul pointed to the guard on Graitis’ left side. “Take me to the quartermaster, then to the command tent. Immediately.”

A long, anxious hush fell over the company for a moment as the situation sank in to each and every person present. Suddenly Graitis looked around at his men in frustration.

“Well, don’t just stand there like dung-piles,” he yelled, “get moving!”

More guards appeared from behind the massive sergeant holding chains and manacles. They quickly stripped all three of the stunned men behind Tynaul of their weapons. The scarred one in the back gave them trouble, as he seemed to be refusing to move at all. They had to force his hands behind him at last.

Tynaul turned one last time to look at Caerish and the other two before entering the camp. Kint’s hatred was readily apparent, as was Lenar’s extreme terror. Lord Caerish seemed completely untroubled. His eyes locked onto Tynaul, who was suddenly unable to look back at him. Tynaul turned into the outpost, unable to shake Caerish’s tranquil gaze from his mind.


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See You in the Future,

J S Eaton


Dividing authors

Well, this latest round of attacks in the Amazon/Hachette war has gotten more attention than anything yet. I thought the point of negotiations was to come to some common middle ground in order to get things done. Instead these companies have drawn lines in the sand and refuse to budge, leaving readers and authors in the middle.

One tactic Hachette might use here is to mention all the other online retailers one could use to purchase their books. That ad in the NYT was signed by many Hachette authors, at the end they could have listed all the stores where you can go, besides Amazon. Same in Hachette’s latest email, he could have made a short list of where to get the company’s product. Doing this in each and every public communique might help get the point across that Amazon isn’t the only place to get books.

What bothers me more than anything about this whole situation is how it’s diving authors. Traditional Authors vs. Self-published. I’m seeing it more and more in posts and comments made to the various articles that take one side or the other. It saddens me really, when we’re all just artists trying to find a way to eek out a living doing what we love.


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See You in the Future,

J S Eaton


Wattpad-The Hunter in Black

Hi all. As part of my ongoing trials and experimentation  with that reading app known as Wattpad, I have put up a few of my early short stories concerning the Hunter in Black, a character who figures quite prominently in my upcoming novel, Falls a Dark Shadow.

 Wattpad-The Hunter in Black Hit the link there and it’ll take you right to the story. I’ve also thrown a couple other Hunter shorts on there. If you like ’em, give them a vote, or a comment or whatever and pass them along to anyone who might enjoy them. After all, they’re FREE!

As always, thanks for reading.

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See You in the Future,

J S Eaton



If you played adventure games in the eighties, you remember the name Shadowgate. It became a Nintendo best-seller, and one of my personal favorites. And now, it’s coming back. A company called Zojoi has revived this classic game with all new graphics, new storyline and added depth. Watch the vid below to see how the new compares with the old.

The game releases digitally August 21. You can go their website to check out all the cool preorder stuff their packing in, as well as see a few more videos. I have to admit I’m quite excited for this one.

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See You in the Future,

J S Eaton


Twilight Zone-The ‘Beauty’ Episodes

Thanks to Netflix, I’ve been enjoying a much-needed re-watch of one of the greatest shows ever to grace the small screen, Rod Serling’s original The Twilight Zone. As TV shows go, I can’t think of one that had, or required, more originality in its development than this one.

Two of my favorites, and they concern the very same topics presented in different ways, are the Rod Serling-written episode ‘Eye of the Beholder‘(Season 2 Episode 6), and a much later show entitled Number Twelve Looks Just Like You(Season 5, Episode 17). The two episodes dwell on what ‘beauty’ is, and how society defines attractiveness. Of the two, the Serling penned ‘Eye‘ is generally considered the go-to episode about this subject, but ‘Number Twelve‘ speaks to me louder, and clearer. And, scarier. I’ll admit the costumes were entirely ridiculous, but they only had a television budget to work with, and hey, it was the sixties after all.

Though the episodes address basically the same subject, they have more differences than similarities. The main character of both stories are young women, considered “undesirable” by the societies in which they live. The antagonists, if you will, are people who are trying to change that. Both societies are portrayed as totalitarian, in reality if not in effect.

After that, nothing about the episodes is the same.

In ‘Eye of the Beholder’, the young woman wants to be changed, to be made ‘pretty’; while in ‘Number Twelve’ the main character resists the ‘Transformation”, as it’s called. One can easily read the story of each of these episodes by clicking these links, so I won’t bore you with each detail, or spoil them if you want to see the episodes for yourself, which I highly suggest.

Eye of the Beholder

Number Twelve Looks Just Like You

Number Twelve has a much darker feel to me. Marilyn, the main character, is continually pressured by friends, family, and even doctors to undergo the radical ‘Transformation” in order to reap all its benefits. They just can’t understand why the poor girl resists all the good that will come with her conformity. I’m probably reading more into their words and gestures when I watch this episode, but I think deep down some of those characters long for their own lost identities; some are too naive to know it, while others are too scared to go against society at large.

Number Twelve also presents a much darker society than Eye, perhaps because more time and dialogue is given to explaining just what kind of world the main characters live in. In Number Twelve, doctors are constantly probing young Marilyn to find out exactly why she doesn’t want to change, and then fix that problem, so that she will think correctly. Back in the sixties when this was filmed, those scenes would have been rife with echoes of communism, as the Red Menace was still lurking everywhere. But those scenes still have relevance today. Human beings tend to congregate in groups of like minds, and when one of those minds espouses a view radical from the group, the rest want to know, what’s up with that?

Both episodes show just how much society influences, even determines, what is and is not beautiful or attractive. They are extreme cases, of course, which is part of what makes them interesting. Yet they are effective demonstrations nonetheless. Our own society still has strict rules about what is and is not pretty, and how men and women should look, act, and feel.

To some extent, we can’t help it. We’re born into this world, and shaped at our earliest ages by our experiences therein. We therefore come to see things, including beauty, as defined by those standards. There are many different cultures on this planet, some with ideas radically different from our own. A mere observance of these differences can demonstrate how the society one lives in can determine his or her outlook on many things, including beauty.

I think the main reason Number Twelve hits closest to home for me is that I can see it one day actually happening. Medical science marches ever onward. I applaud the research and education conducted into understanding our physical bodies. But what happens if and when the time comes that our own science can actually duplicate something like the ‘Transformation”? Technological advance marches in near-lockstep with medical science. Government, and society, will know more and more about us as science unlocks the mysteries of our bodies. When the future comes, will we still be clinging to our current perceptions of beauty? If we are, I don’t think humanity will be able to resist the temptation to alter ourselves into something ‘prettier’, even if that means losing our identities. I like to think I’d be able too, but when it comes down to it, if I’m being totally honest, I’m not too sure. It’s like trying to imagine what we’d do if diagnosed with a terminal illness, or how we’ll raise our as-yet unborn children. We can speculate all we like, but when actually faced with the decisions, we often arrive at vastly different places than we thought.

Hopefully, our wisdom will grow with our knowledge. After all we invented the atomic bomb nearly seventy years ago and have had the good sense to only use it twice, and that was to end a war. If and when medical science can one day make us perfect, I hope we’re smart enough not to do it. Because when you sit down and think about it, it’s our imperfections that really make us unique, and beautiful, especially in the physical way.

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J S Eaton


Authors United

Well, published authors anyway. The group of authors who recently signed a letter written by Douglas Preston of the Authors Guild have now formed a group called Authors United to put a long-term strategy in place to help ‘deal’ with Amazon.

Here’s a link to The Bookseller’s article.

Then there’s the petition posted on Change.org that comes in on Amazon’s side. It’s got over seven thousand signatures so far; Amazon does have its defenders. Many of whom are independent authors whose work might never have seen the light of day without Amazon’s self-publishing platform.

I don’t want to get into the whole publisher/indie argument here. As I’ve said before, I believe there’s room in this big ol’ world for all of us. Both sides ought to make some concessions and end this whole thing, and get the news back to where it belongs; about the books these companies are publishing, not the companies themselves.

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J S Eaton



Wattpad? oh, that pad? 🙂

No, Wattpad, it’s a new social media platform for sharing written works. It’s customized with mobile in mind, so the stories will read well on any device. I just published my first story on the platform this morning, an older story but one of my first’s concerning the mysterious Hunter in Black.  I’ve read that some authors are having success getting eyes on their work this way, which I think is the main idea behind this platform. The site charges readers nothing, so the authors receive nothing, except a little publicity. It’s a way to stir up interest in something you’re doing; a piece of flash fiction that leads to a book, or something along those lines.

You can read J.S. Eaton’s first story on Wattpad Here.

I’ll let you know how it goes. Hopefully this thing will really catch on with readers and give indie authors a wide platform for get out there and get known.

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J S Eaton


Author Platform Shoes

They were strange constructions when I first saw them, platform shoes. As the young tyke that I was, I believed their sole purpose was to make one taller, seeing no fashion value at all in actually being taller. I use teh term value quite loosely when it comes to fashion however, today we wouldn’t exactly declare those gaudy shoes as valuable, except perhaps for their worth on eBay.

But an author needs platform shoes, in a metaphysical sense of course. Please don’t start looking for those things. No, what I mean is a place for readers to come and discover you as an author.

When I began this journey, I had no idea what all the articles meant by, ‘platform’, even though they spelled it out rather clearly. For me, the idea had to sink in, settle and get some space. I get it now, at least the greatest part anyways 🙂

This blog is part of that platform. It is a place where you can get to know me, my writing, and what it’s like. If there’s any news about my upcoming novels, you’ll find it here first.

Platforms are essential now for new authors struggling to be seen in the evolving world of publishing, regardless of which path they take(Self or traditional). And building one doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time, energy and persistence. But it can, and must, be done if you want to move your writing career forward.

An article here says as much, and lots more, about building a platform and engaging an audience. It’s a great read.

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See You in the Future,

J S Eaton


Does a writer have a “real” job?

Well now, there’s a loaded question if there ever was one. For those of us who create and assemble written works, the answer is a non-starter; of course we have. But it seems there may still be many in this modern world who consider authorship something less than actual, gainful employment.

Such a case can be read here, an article about a writer being called, less-than-working, shall we say.

First, I’d like to add that I’ve never personally encountered this, though that is not at all to say that many, many authors both struggling and accomplished do not encounter it, all the time. I think most people who know me are still trying to get over the fact that I am a writer, of anything. I tend to be a private person and when I released my first self-published novel, it was a bit of a surprise to those around me.

The author of article above makes some fine points about the assumptions people make concerning authors, and writing in general. I’d like to add my own two cents at this point, just elaborate a little bit.

One thing the article doesn’t touch on is the fact that any and all full-time authors are self-employed. No company withholding taxes(federal, social security, all of them) for you. No retirement division to assist with 401k, investments, etc.. No one helping pay into your health insurance plan.

Well there’s a trade-off there, right. You don’t have to commute to work every morning, right? Well, everything has it’s trade-offs, exchanging one situation for another. That argument could go on for days.

Currently, I have the distinction, as many others do, of holding both a, ‘REAL’ job, and trying to complete novel-length works that will sell enough copies so that one day, I can support myself and my family solely off those proceeds. Being able to compare them both side-by-side at the same time, I can tell you that absolutely without question, writing is a REAL job. I am just fortunate enough to love doing it. Now if I can just get fortunate enough to get paid enough…


Addition: Incidentally, I do all the things the author of that above-mentioned article does when engaging in leisure time: ie watching moves, reading books.(They wrote that scene wrong. I could have written a better dialogue than that.) And I laugh at myself every time.

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J S Eaton
